This Guide outlines the parameters of Alberta’s Radiation Protection Program, which is established under the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. The OHS Code (which falls under the OHS Act) places an obligation on employers to ensure that all designated radiation equipment has a valid registration certificate before the equipment may be used at a work site. This Guide explains how a registration certificate is issued, including the role of radiation inspection and registration agencies, and Government of Alberta staff within the process.
November 29, 2021
Labour and Immigration
Radiation equipment used in Alberta like X-ray equipment and high-powered lasers require a registration certificate.
Alberta Labour and Immigration. Specialized Professional Services. OHS Program Delivery. Safe, Fair and Healthy Workplaces.
Guide for Alberta's Radiation Protection Program
This Guide outlines the parameters of Alberta’s Radiation Protection Program, which is established under the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. The OHS Code (which falls under the OHS Act) places an obligation on employers to ensure that all designated radiation equipment has a valid registration certificate before the equipment may be used at a work site. This Guide explains how a registration certificate is issued, including the role of radiation inspection and registration agencies, and Government of Alberta staff within the process.
Labour and Immigration