The Strategy for development
“Kazakhstan-2050” Strategy”
In December 2012, in his State of the Nation Address, the Head of State presented the Development Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2050. The Strategy’s main goal is to create a welfare society based on a strong state, a developed economy with universal labor opportunities, as well as to enter the club of top 30 most developed countries of the world.
To achieve this goal, the “Kazakhstan-2050 “Strategy” provides implementation of seven long-term priorities:
1. Economic policy of the new course – all around economic pragmatism based on the principles of profitability, return on investment and competitiveness.
2. Comprehensive support of entrepreneurship – leading force in the national economy.
3. New principles of social policy – social guarantees and personal responsibility.
4. Knowledge and professional skills are key landmarks of the modern education, training and retraining system.
5. Further strengthening of the statehood and development of the Kazakhstan democracy.
6. Consistent and predictable foreign policy is promotion of national interests and strengthening of regional and global security.
7. New Kazakhstan patriotism is basis for success of our multiethnical and multi-confessional society.
Read the full text of the Strategy here:
The Strategy for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the year 2030
In October 1997 the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in his Address to the people of the country «Prosperity, security and ever growing welfare of all the Kazakhstanis» presented the Strategy for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the year 2030. The "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy outlined a long-term way of development of the sovereign republic, directed at transforming the country into one of the safest, most stable, ecologically sustained states of the world with a dynamically developing economy.
The "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy for development provides implementation of seven long-term priorities:
These priorities served as a basis for building country’s development plans for medium-term and long-term periods. The Strategic plan for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the year 2010, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in December, 2001 became the first long-term stage of implementation of the "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy. The next stage of implementation of the "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy is the Strategic plan for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the year 2020.
National projects of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1. The pilot national project "Comfortable School";
2. The pilot national project "Modernization of Rural Health":
3. The pilot national project “Accessible Internet”.