Tamil language (TL) unit has also adopted some of the Making Thinking Visible (MTV) routines in our teaching and learning. These routines were mostly used in oral conversation, comprehension and composition to engage students in critical thinking. The following are some of the common routines used:
Apart from this, the TL unit uses the PEARs strategy to prepare students for their e-Video conversation. The strategy consists of the following main areas that have to be considered in students’ conversation:
In 2019, the TL unit has also embarked on ‘Read to Bond’ programme. Students will bring back a selected passage from their reading booklet to read with their parents. We hope that this initiative will help parents to understand their children’s ability level and help to engage in casual daily conversations.
We are also subscribing to the weekly Tamil Maanavar Murasu newspaper for the primary 3 Tamil students. We hope that this will help to promote the love for reading as well as to build children’s vocabulary. Various follow up activities such as journaling will be carried out as part of the lesson.
Learning stations are also created in the Tamil classrooms for higher progress students to purposefully engage in when they have completed their work. Learning stations include ‘Reporter’s Corner’ and ‘Debating Corner’ for the upper primary students and ‘Show and Tell Corner’ for the lower primary students.
Students are also strongly encouraged to take part in the external competitions to build their confidence and get exposure to stage presentations.