Fixed! Kindle License Limit Reached


kindle license limit reached

I got a "license limit reached" message when trying to download a Kindle book that I had purchased before. What is "License limit reached"?

What is kindle license limit? Amazon limits the number of devices you can download a book on. When the kindle books downloaded to kindle devices and apps exceed the limited numbers, "License limit reached" will pop up. The number of kindle license totally depends on the publisher. It can be 2, or 4, and up to 6. The most common situation is that you can have six copies downloaded to different devices and apps.

If the "License limit reached" or "License limit exceeded" error message pops up, you cannot download this book to more devices. How to fix it?

Solution 1: Deregister Any Old Devices that You no Longer Use--Temporary Solution

1. Go to in a web browser and sign in with your Amazon credentials.

2. Click on the "Your Account" menu and then select "Manage Your Content and Devices".

3. Under "Device" tab, just deregister any old devices that you no longer use.

de-register kindle device

Important tip: Old Kindles, old smart phones, and old tablets may still be associated with your account.

Then try to download your kindle books again to the new device. This time you will get your kindle books downloaded successfully.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I just delete the downloaded books from my device insteal of deregister from my kindle device?

A: When you get the message license limit exceeded, you are not locked out of your purchased books forever. Deleting the downloaded books from your Kindle device can fix this issue. But sometimes, you need to sync your kindle to ensure the Amazon server know that you've deleted this book from your device to release the Kindle license successfully.

Solution 2: Purchase This Book Again (Amazon recommended)

Just as the pop up message indicated that you can also purchase another copy of this book from Kindle store. It looks super "Stupid", right? We are asked for paying for the same book we have been charged before. I don't really recommend this method at all because it is nonsense. What if your

purchase another copy of kindle books

Solution 3: Break the DRM Restriction with Epubor Ultimate (Ultimate Solution)

It is a general situation that you want to keep your books on any devices you have, right? To some customers who have paid for this book, they want to read the kindle book without limits on personal use but they cannot now. To have full control over the ebooks you have, you just need to remove the DRM protection from the kindle books to have full control over your property for which you have paid. Epubor Ultimate is highly recommended as your Kindle DRM Removing software here.

Step 1 Download & install Epubor Ultimate.

Epubor Ultimate is the best ebook drm removal and ebook format converter. It can handle the ebooks purchased from kindle, kobo, nook and google play.

Download Epubor Ultimate for free trial

Step 2 Launch Epubor Ultimate. Drag and drop the kindle books from left column to the right. Kindle DRM will be stripped successfully.

remove kindle drm

Detailed steps on removing kindle drm, please read How to Remove DRM from Kindle KFX Books (Video Tutorial).

Step 3 Then you'll get the DRM free Kindle books. You can click "Convert to.." to convert them to PDF/Epub/azw3 or any other format and transfer them to any devices or apps to read.

From this moment, you have full control of your paid kindle books.

Final Thoughts

1 While Amazon limits the number of devices on which you can download a book to six, the book's publisher could decide to restrict that further. Some books can be downloaded to the latest version of Kindle for PC/Mac. However, some books can only be downloaded to two devices, and certain books cannot be read in the Kindle Cloud Reader. You can find all this information on the Kindle ebook product details page.

kindle device limits

2 Amazon’s website states that you can download Kindle books an unlimited number of times to each registered device attached to your Amazon account.

3 Deregistering the kindle device that no longer use only helps you release the license limits. You may reach this limit again soon if you try to download your kindle books on multiple devices.

4 Bypassing the DRM protection from kindle books is the best way to get rid of the kindle license limit.

5 The trial version of Epubor Ultimate only decrypt and convert 20% content of each book. You can unlock the limitations by purchasing the full license.

6 If you happen to have the kindle books not downloading issue besides the "Kindle license limit" error, you may find the solution in the guide "How to fix kindle books not downloading".

Download Epubor Ultimate for free


Iris Yan has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!